Saturday, September 25, 2004

I spent a large part of yesterday reinstalling windows 98 of my older computer. I had an extra hard drive and had formated it some time ago. I found some information on the internet that I followed for the reinstallation. After getting win98 installed, I put the Windows 98 second edition disc in and installed that. Then I got it back on the network with the others. I downloaded Firefox and plan to use it for my browser on that computer.

Today, we spent most of the day in Memphis. We, along with Mike and Betty, went by West Memphis and picked up Martha, then went on over to the Mid State Fair. We spent most of our time eating and looking at the art and photography exhibits.

After about three hours at the fair, we went to five different estate sales in that general area.

Sunday, September 19, 2004

We took time to get a few (five) photographs ready to enter in the county fair. LK had two photos and got a third place with one of those. I entred three photos and got second place ribbons with two of them.

Monday, September 06, 2004

Labor Day Holiday. LK and I didn't do anything special except try to get some stuff organized. We went over to Memphis yesterday to see an exhibit at the Dixon and do some shopping. And, of course we went by to see Lauri and Jeff.

Cutter, the Border Collie, is just over a year old so he's still playful and excitable when we go over. But, he is learning and really didn't jump all over us. Lauri put him through his routine. He seems to truly enjoy playing with the frisbee.

Jeff is coming along nicely on redoing the downstairs bathroom.

Wednesday, September 01, 2004

I believe that I missed posting anything last week. Classes have begun! It is also time to do a lot of work in the garden. With C.L.'s help I'm trying to redo several flower beds plus make at least one new one. The irises and daylilies need to be set out now. They are going in the new bed that is to be. We can wait a little longer for putting out the daffodils bulbs that I saved from another old bed.

I ordered a new computer while we were in the Dallas area last time and it has arrived. Maybe I'll have a chance to get it set up this weekend. I haven't set it up already because I'm trying to get the area better organized.