Saturday, October 29, 2005

Teaching Someone to use E-mail

Lynda is learning how to use the e-mail account on Yahoo mail that I set up for her. I sent a note to several people and she has received two email messages this morning. As I type this, she is responding to her mail. She is not the best typist in the world--she has always had me to do most of her typing, so it is taking longer than she wants it to. She is also a bit more bavard than I tend to be.

Monday, October 24, 2005

Finally, we have our first fall weather. I'm not sure that it is going to make it up to 60 degrees today, but that is ok. We brought a few of our less hardy plants into the garage last night, but still have a few more that will have to come inside eventually.
LK and I went to the Memphis Symphony on Saturday evening. We enjoyed their performance of one of Rachmanoff's piano concerto. I'm not enough of a music lover to know the names of the pieces, but I usually like classical music.