Friday, May 26, 2006

A Busy Week

This has been a busy week although we didn't have places to go for the most part. L.L. and I have put in quite a bit of time in the yard, and I believe the results are worth the effort. Of course, C.L. was around some to help out.

Lynda has also been getting the guest rooms in shape. We're having two sets of friends at the same time and that is the first time that has happened in some time. The only problem with getting ready for them is the fact that Lynda has been under the weather with a sinus infection (or somesuch).

We had Mike and Betty over for supper on Monday evening. It was Betty's birthday and I tried to go an extra effort to have something special. I think it turned out ok.

Tuesday was primary election day in Arkansas. I worked at the courthouse from about 6:30 p.m. until around 1:00 a.m. helping with the count. The new voting machines seemed to have caused us be slower than usual. There will be a run-off election in three weeks and then we will have the general election the second Tuesday in November with the rest of the nation.

Wednesday and Thursday were days that we spent straightening up around the place. We are making progress, but it will take time.

Today I've got a bit more yard work done, and I'm waiting for a guy to come and work on one of the garage doors. The door will open, but it will not close. It closes to within about two feet of the floor, then opens. Anyway, I couldn't fix it.

I'm going to call in a few minutes to check on jury duty for Tuesday. There is supposed to be a jury case, but you never know when they make do a plea bargain.

Well I don't know any details, but the jury panel has completed its duty for this session of the court. When I called there was a nice voice message thanking us for our cooperation in doing our civic duty.

Friday, May 19, 2006

The Beginnings of a Beautiful Weekend

We did have an enjoyable excursion to the Greek Festival in Memphis. The food was even better than I had remembered. Lauri and Jeff came over for Mother's Day and had Sunday lunch with us. I cooked ham, baked potatoes, green beans with pecan sauce, fried zucchini, and spinach salad. And heated up a package of Sister Shubert rolls.

Yesterday i went to Memphis and got three rose bushes that Lauri wanted to get rid of. There is just too much shade in her yard for a rose to do well. I've got them in plastic pots for the time being--hope they survive. Now, to find a place to plant them here.

It got a bit warmer today, but it was pleasant working out in the yard this morning. Lynda and I got several things done before 10 a.m., then C.L. came around noon and he worked for two hours getting the tulip bulbs from the rose garden. I'm planting Purple Homestead Verbena in the beds with the roses.

I missed several good shots of the little kitten playing among the plants near the fig tree. I think I will just take a lawn chair and sit nearby so I can get some pictures.

Thursday, May 11, 2006

A Cool Spring Day
We had a cool front go through. That was the cause of the thunderstorms earlier in the week. But today is a beautiful day although it is a little cool.

I was able to spray the roses and finish setting out some plants in pots. At the moment I just have four Mexican Heathers and a hosta to set out.

Tonight we are going to a political rally--fishfry--given by Bobby Mays a candidate for sheriff of St. Francis county.

We plan to go to the Greek Festival in Memphis with Mike and Betty tomorrow.

This is the newest addition. The cat that Lynda has been feeding for the past several weeks showed up with this kitten one day.

Friday, May 05, 2006

A Good Week

This has been a good week eventhough we have had a bit too much rain. I was able to really get some yardwork done today. I now have most of the plants set out in the garden. And, I am pleased with how things look. We do need to spray the yard another time to get rid of the undesirable grasses.

Tonight for supper I fixed one of our favorite brunch recipes, Buenos Dias Breakfast.

We had a spinach salad to go with the cassorole. And I added some tomato slices to the top of the cassorole for the last five minutes.