Friday, July 01, 2005

A Hot Tail-end of June
This week has been too hot! It's probably not as hot as the summer of 1980, but it is too hot for me. BTW, during that hot summer of 1980 we were in Europe where they were having one of the coolest summers in many years.

We are having company week after next, So this week was a time for straightening up a bit around the house--both inside and outside. We did try to limited the outside work to the cooler parts of the day. We still have some more to get done--plan to get some more mulch today and spread it around.

A short time ago, I discovered that a dove had a nest in the golden rain tree in our front yard. Well actually, the dove used a nest that the robin used last year. Anyway, there were two young in the nest and we watched them over the next several days as they grew. Yesterday, when I checked, the birds were no longer there. We weren't too surprised since we had seen them stretching their wings the day before. I did get a few digital photos of the mother and her young.

The figs on our tree are getting ripe. We have already eaten several and the birds are getting their share. The tree is from a cutting that was given to me by Mr. Wilson over twenty years ago. The figs are the large one and they are delicious.

Tomorrow is Lynda's birthday and we plan to eat out again. And we have asked Mike and Betty to join us. My birthday is next week, but since we had a big party last year we are going lowkey for the event.

I'm checking around to see if it is possible to send a JFK-type rocking chair from the US to France without costing a fortune. Our friend Pierre wants one.


Blogger Vernita Hoyt said...

Happy Birthday to you both. My son's birthday is July 10.

10:14 PM  

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