Saturday, June 11, 2005

Summer Lazy Days

We have been doing some yard work and the garden is beginning to look pretty good. I've taken the panzies out of the window boxes and they now have petunias. C.L. has done a good job of clearing out some of the flowerbeds. I trimmed a lot off the wild rose that is on the arbor--just hope that it blooms ok next year. We missed quite a bit of the spring blooming while we were on our trip.

We drove over to Hot Springs on Thursday in order to attend a reception for Tom Spencer who is retiring from the community college there. We stayed the night and visited the Gavan Woodland Gardens on Friday morning. We only covered about half of the area--it was hot and humid. We plan to go back several times.


Blogger Vernita Hoyt said...

I enjoy reading about your gardening projects as much as your trips. Your house looks great.

I tried to read about your Ireland trip, but the link takes me to which is nothing to do with your Ireland trip. ???

7:01 AM  

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