Saturday, March 11, 2006

An Early Spring
The last few days have been very spring-like. In fact, today seems almost like the beginning of summer. I pruned some roses yesterday, and today I cut the Zebra grass back so the new growth could begin to show.

The daffodils have been blooming for days--some were just beginning when we had our spell of winter weather earlier. The flowers remind me that I need to up-date some web pages.

We drove to Memphis on Thursday with plans to visit the Dixon where there is an exhibit of Maragret Bourk-White's photographs. We also had some shopping and needed to get tickets for the up-coming Memphis Symphony program. We got some of the shopping done and the tickets, but as we were eating lunch the rain began coming down and we decided to come home. Later we read of the tornado at Morton, AR.

Ray and Carolyn are coming this next week for a visit. The four of us are planning a trip to Glacier National Park for later in the summer. Robert and Olivia are also going with us.


Blogger Vernita Hoyt said...

Wow! From snow to daffodils on one page. They are beautiful. I check in every once in a while and always enjoy reading your blog entries. Tell Lynda hello.

4:34 PM  

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