Sunday, October 12, 2003

I've been negligent! A lot of water has gone under the bridge since I last posted here. For one thing, on Monday, September 30, I fell and broke my right wrist. And yes I am right-handed. We spent an hour and a half in the emergency room. An x-ray showed that the wrist was pretty well messed up, so after putting it in a splint; giving me some pain pills; and making an appointment to see an orthopedric surgeon the next morning, we were sent home. On Tuesday morning, Lynda drove me to the appointment in West Memphis.
The doctor examined the x-ray and told us he would need to use external fixators to hold the wrist once he got the bones back in place. We were scheduled to be at the hospital at 9:00 a.m. the next morning.
The surgery seems to have been successful and the wrist is healing.


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